We always have a trouble finding out the right mix of party games. These are a list of Games which i have conducted or attended in a party. Hope you all enjoy them. Do post your comments/ suggestions.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Janmashtami Quiz

The birthday party fell on the next day of Janmashtami. So we decided to put up a quiz on Krishna ji.
The quiz paper contained questions in English and Hindi so that people of all age group could participate.

  1. सबसे पहले कृष्णाजी ने किस राक्षश का वध किया.
    The first demon that Krishnaji killed
  2. कृष्णाजी के पोते का क्या नाम था
    Krishnaji’s Grandson’s Name
  3. कृष्णाजी के बालपन के दोस्त का नाम क्या था.
    Who was krishnaji’s friend during his childhood.
  4. कृष्णाजी के १०० बार किस की गलतियां माफ़ की
    Whose 100 mistakes did Krishnaji pardon.
  5. कृष्णाजी की कितनी रानियाँ थी
    How many queens did krishnaji had.
  6. कृष्णाजी के नाना का क्या नाम था
    What is the name krishnaji maternal grandfather.
  7. कृष्णाजी किस नगर के राजा थे
    Which city did krishnaji rule
  8. कृष्णाजी जिस नगर में राज करते थे उसके वस्तुशिल्पिक कौन थे
    Who was the architect of the city krishnaji ruled.
  9. पांडवो को कृष्णाजी मिले तो कोरवो को बदले में क्या मिला
    If pandavas for Krishnaji, what did the korova’s get in return.
  10. महाभारत के युद्ध में किस के कारन कृष्णाजी ने शस्त्र उठाये
    In the battle of Mahabharata, because of whom krishnaji picked up weapons

  1. Poothna
  2. Pradyum
  3. Mansukha
  4. Sishipal
  5. 1008
  6. Urgsen
  7. Dwarka
  8. Vishwakarmaji
  9. Nayarani sena
  10. Bhishma pithama

Hope you enjoy this post.

Amit Sarda

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